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Top Accounting Software for Small Business

As the lead decision maker in your business, you know how important it is to have the best tools available to you to allow you to perform at your best. 
This isn't necessarily the most expensive tools (although plant and equipment are valuable assets to you) it's important to have the right tools to enable you to perform at your best to meet (and hopefully exceed) your clients needs and expectations. 

When keeping your finances and records in order, its equally important to have the right software for the job. Again, it isn't about the most expensive software - its about the right software for you. 

Think about your sales - particularly the prices. If you're in the service industry and you're charging for labour, time or results - what does that equate to in terms of your billable rate?
How much of this time do you oncharge your clients for having to enter all your sales and purchases into your software? When do you spend this time on your admin and bookkeeping? During normal working hours (therefore you're not completing billable work) or in addition to your normal working week - meaning that you're working well into the nights and over the weekends when you could be spending that time with your family and friends? 

Compliance and data entry is usually grinding and frustrating and the least fun part of the job. Many of us put off the jobs we dislike and then the paperwork and backlog stacks up, this creates further resistance to wanting to tackle the pile of receipts of and bills and so it just becomes all a bit too hard. Before you know it, its BAS or Tax Time again and there's a mad panic to try and get through it because your accountant or bookkeeper tells you that you must - all the while you're being bombarded with questions about purchases you made months ago.. as if you're some kind of memory genuis. Don't they know that you've also got client orders to fill and a job to be getting on with? Does this sound familiar? 

The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way. There is an easier way. In fact there are lots of solutions available - its just a matter of working out which is the perfect one for you and your business. 

We can help you find, install and set up a full suite of business aides and tools that actually HELP you with your paperwork rather than adding to it. We listen. We understand and we work with you to create a bespoke package that works with you, your business and your needs. 

We run our practice utilising the Best in Class software and tools that allow our teams to work together seamlessly and efficiently. From a pricing point, we then pass these efficiences on to you so that we can spend more time on your business, and less time on the administration of our own. It only seems fair that if we can do this for us, we share this insight with you...