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The Road to Startup Success

If you've recently made the decision to jump from being an employee to owning your own business then Congratulations - its a huge step and one that should not be taken lightly. 

All the training, experience, hard work that you've been through has brought you to this point and now you're ready to make that leap of faith... 

But there's a secret I need to share with you... the one thing that no one ever tells you; That being great at what you do, doesn't necessarily make you a great business owner - and this is a harsh reality that you need to consider. 

Whether you're selling a product, a service, a design or an event - in order for it to be successful it has to cost you less than you sell it for and its going to involve the Australian Taxation Office. There is no simple or legal way around this. 

If numbers are not your thing, if paperwork and form filling drives you nuts then you and I need to have a little tête-à-tête, because although you don't need to be great at this stuff, in order for your business plan to work then you at least need to know about it and what it means. Without this stuff, your business just won't work. It doesn't matter how great you are at what you do in your business - its what you do for your business that counts. 

The ATO has all these rules and regulations around compliance and tax lodgements. The law states that we have to work really, really hard to reconcile all of your figures then put them neatly in little boxes on a form so they know exactly how your business is going and consequently how much tax you should be paying. 

But what if we looked at it differently, what if you and I worked really hard together to know and understand the health, wealth and wellbeing of your business and you were able to use that information, almost in real time, and you were able to make informed and insightful decisions with it? What if passing this information to the ATO was a simple sideline because we're only sharing with the Tax Office information that you already knew weeks and months ago? What if we didn't make compliance all about the tax office at all, what if we made it all about you...?